Fabric integration

Fabric is a Python library and command-line tool for streamlining the use of SSH for application deployment or systems administration tasks.

BSDploy supports applying Fabric scripts to jails and jail hosts via the ploy_fabric plugin.

There are two ways you can assign a fabric file to an instance:

  • by convention – if the project directory contains a directory with the same name as the instance, i.e. jailhost or jailhost-jailname containing a Python file named fabfile.py and no explicit file has been given, that file is used

  • by explicit assigning one in ploy.conf, i.e.:

    fabfile = ../fabfile.py

Fabfile anatomy

Let’s take a look at an example fabfile.py:

from fabric import api as fab

fab.env.shell = '/bin/sh -c'

def info():
    fab.run('uname -a')

def service(action='status'):
    fab.run('service nginx %s' %  action)
  • (1) Fabric conveniently exposes all of its features in its api module, so we just import that for convenience
  • (3) Fabric assumes bash, currently we must explicitly adapt it FreeBSD’s default (this may eventually be handled by a future version of BSDploy)
  • (8) You can pass in parameters from the command line to a fabric task, see Fabric’s documentation on this for more details.

Fabfile execution

You can execute a task defined in that file by calling do, i.e.:

# ploy do webserver service
[root@jailhost-webserver] run: service nginx status
[root@jailhost-webserver] out: nginx is running as pid 1563.

Fabric has a relatively obtuse syntax for passing in arguments because it supports passing to multiple hosts in a single call.

To alleviate this, ploy_fabric adds a simpler method in its do command, since that only always targets a single host.

So, in our example, to restart the webserver you could do this:

# ploy do webserver service action=restart
[root@jailhost-webserver] run: service nginx restart
[root@jailhost-webserver] out: Performing sanity check on nginx configuration:
[root@jailhost-webserver] out: nginx: the configuration file /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok
[root@jailhost-webserver] out: nginx: configuration file /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful
[root@jailhost-webserver] out: Stopping nginx.
[root@jailhost-webserver] out: Waiting for PIDS: 1563.
[root@jailhost-webserver] out: Performing sanity check on nginx configuration:
[root@jailhost-webserver] out: nginx: the configuration file /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok
[root@jailhost-webserver] out: nginx: configuration file /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful
[root@jailhost-webserver] out: Starting nginx.

You can also list all available tasks with the -l parameter:

ploy do webserver -l
Available commands:
